Other element types

This article covers element types found in the "Other" section of the element menu.

  1. List
  2. Prefilled reference


Lists are a powerful element type that where you can create a list of elements that can be filled in, multiple times.

For instance, if you want the signee to list up all of the dogs that they own, including their name, breed and birth date, than this is the perfect element for that.

To creat a list, first select it from the menu

Next choose a title for you list.

Then choose if you want to set a minimum or maximum amount of entries. By default, this is set to a minimum of 1 list item, so that it is required for the signee to fill it in, but a maximum is not set, so they can add an unlimited amount of items to the list.

If you want to restrict this further, you can for instance set both the minimum and maximum to 3, to ensure that the signee adds exactly 3 items to the list.

Now it's time for the fun part, adding the fields to the list. 

Choose whatever element type is best suited to collect the information (including another list within the first list).

Here I've set up three fields in my list, the dogs name, it's breed, and it's birth date.

This is how it will appear to the signee

When they click +Add the list pops up in a module so they can fill in the fields.

When they click "add," the module closes and they see the item they just filled in, in the list. 

Since they haven't reached the maximum limit of items, the button + Add is still visible to them, and they can add another item.

Prefilled reference

Another powerful feature is the prefilled reference element.

This element type lets you display to the signee the information that was written in the selected question in setup information.

To configure this, first make sure you have a question in setup information that catches the text you want displayed to the signee. This needs to be a text element. Here we've created the text element "Please list up all the information you want the signee to see".

Next go to the form that you want to display this text to the signee and create an element of the type Prefilled reference. Choose a title that describes what the signee will see. Here we've entered the title "please note".

Then select the element you want to reference.

When the SmartFlows sender intends to send this flow to a signee they will be required to fill in the question.

The signee will then see the text that the SmartFlow sender entered in the SmartFlow.


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