The Confirmation Screen is the final screen that is shown to the signee when they have signed the document.
When a SmartFlow is created a confirmation screen is automatically created using a default template.
To edit the contents of the confirmation screen open the Confirmation Screen node from the SmartFlow designer.
Here the title and body of the confirmation screen can be edited. Items that have already been associated with the SmartFlow process, such as information about the signee (name of the signee, their National ID number (if qualified signature), their email address and phone number) or information from the SmartFlow (the name of the SmartFlow and the name of Your Company) as well as information from the Setup information (here shown as "My first Question") can be referenced in this Confirmation screen.
To use these references simply click at the appropriate place in the text that you would like the reference to appear, and click the reference icon in the top banner.
The first line in the Confirmation screen is a title (shown in bold).
This is what the introduction page looks like to the signee:
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