Taktikal Products use unique keys to differentiate between items.
Where to find the keys
All of the keys except the data key can be found in settings.
Click the company icon in the top right corner and choose settings.
Choose the "Access keys" tab to find the keys.
The Company Key, API key and Webhook Signature Keys are unique for your company account and are mostly used for interacting with the API and Webhooks. To learn more about those, see our docs for developers.
Flow key
The Flow key is a unique key for each flow within your company account. A flow can be any of:
- A SmartFlow
- A Fill & Sign flow
- A Drop & Sign flow
- A PEP flow
- A Company Register flow
- And many more...
Flow keys are used for interacting with the API and webhooks but also to connect two or more SmartFlows. They can be found in company settings as seen above.
The Flow key for a SmartFlow can also be found by clicking the three grey dots in a SmartFlow and choosing "copy key"
The flow key for a Fill & sign can also be found on the card for the applicable Fill & Sign in the Fill & Sign tab.
Data key
The Data key is a unique key for a single field or question in a SmartFlow or a Fill & Sign flow. They are mostly used to map the data from flows when importing them into another system, i.e. via integration or the API. They can be found by finding the applicable SmartFlow or Fill & Sign flow.
Finding the Data key in a SmartFlow
To find a data key in a SmartFlow navigate to the SmartFlows tab on the left navigation bar, find the applicable SmartFlow, click the three grey dots and choose "edit". The flow key for the SmartFlow can be found in the three dots.
Find the questionnaire page that contains the data you want to find the key for and click the node to open it.
Click the question on the preview panel (left).
Scroll down to Advanced field settings on the edit panel (right) and expand it. There you can see the Data key for the question. The data key is editable so you can edit it to fit to an existing data structure. Be mindful though, that data keys must be unique within a flow.
Once a data connection has been setup via API or webhooks, changing the data keys will cause errors in document delivery unless they are also changed on the receiving end.
Finding the Data key in a Fill & Sign
To find a data key in a Fill & Sign navigate to the Fill & Sign tab on the left navigation bar, find the applicable Fill & Sign form and click the title to enter edit mode.
The panel to the left of the document lists up all data fields in the document. All data field keys are editable by double clicking their name in the left panel.
Once a data connection has been setup via API or webhooks, changing the data keys will cause errors in document delivery unless they are also changed on the receiving end.
The flow key for the fill & sign can be found on the right panel.
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