To send a SmartFlow navigate to the SmartFlow tab on the Right Navigation Panel and find the SmartFlow you want to send. Then click the "Send ➜ " button.
The process for sending for Qualified Signatures is slightly different from the process for sending Standard and Advanced Signatures
Sending a SmartFlow with a Qualified Signature.
If the recipient has been saved in your contacts you can start writing their name in the "Your contacts" field.
Once you see the correct contact click on their name.
If the recipient has not been saved in your contacts click the "+ new recipient" button and fill in their national ID number, name, mobile phone number and email. Click the "Add signee button"
Choose if the SmartFlow should be sent to them by email or by sms and click the "Send" button to send the SmartFlow to the recipient.
Your SmartFlow has been sent. You can track the progress of the SmartFlow in the Activity log.
Sending a SmartFlow with a Standard or Advanced Signature.
If the recipient has been saved in your contacts you can start writing their name in the "Your contacts" field.
Once you see the correct contact click on their name.
If the recipient has not been saved in your contacts click the "+ new recipient" button and fill in their name, mobile phone number and email. Click the "Add signee" button
Click the "Send" button to send the SmartFlow to the recipient.
Your SmartFlow has been sent. You can track the progress of the SmartFlow in the Activity log.
Next: Displaying a SmartFlow ➜