SmartFlow settings

Each SmartFlow has three settings that the user can change and will apply to the entire flow. Theses settings are:

  1. Flow name
  2. Signature type
  3. Flow language

In order to change these settings navigate to the SmartFlows tab on the Right side Navigation bar and click the SmartFlow you want to change.


Click the "settings" button in the top right corner


Here you can change the name of the SmartFlow, the Signature type and the flow language.

Flow name

The name of the SmartFlow may be edited here. The SmartFlow name is displayed in various places both in the portal and to the signee.

In the portal:

  • In the SmartFlow overview list
  • In the activity log

To the signee

  • In the default email templates
  • On the top of the screen when the signee has started the process
  • Anywhere the "Flow name" reference is used (such as in emails, greeting screen or the document)

Signature type

You can choose between all the signature types that have been activated for the company.


The signature types are:

  1. Qualified signatures (currently only available for Icelandic eIDs)
  2. Standard signatures
  3. Click to Sign signatures
  4. Advanced signatures

Flow language

Taktikal supports multiple languages for SmartFlows.

  • Czech
  • Danish
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Icelandic
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

If the language you want is not available in the portal, please contact us via

Next: SmartFlow status

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