Signing Process Settings

Each process can be configured further with the process settings that can be found in the options button to the right of the contact list. The following settings may be configured:

  1. Ordered signing
  2. Signatures placed at bottom
  3. Authentication for signing 🇮🇸
  4. One signature per document
  5. Lock input fields
  6. Automatic reminders

Ordered signing

With ordered signing you can choose the order in which signees sign the document. When ordered signing is used, the second signee will only receive the link with the signature request once the first signee has finished signing.

Signatures placed at bottom

By default, all signatures are placed in the top left of the document.

When this setting is chosen, the signature will be placed at the bottom of the document instead. This can be convenient when a lot of signatures are expected in the same document. Note that Taktikal does not add pages to the document, so make sure you have enough room for all the signatures you are expecting. One page can fit a total of 80 signatures.


Authentication for signing 🇮🇸

When authentication for signing is chosen, the recipient of the document will need to authenticate with their eID before being able to see the document. The document name will not be included in the email with the link to the signing process. This is particularly useful when sensitive documents are being sent for signing.


One signature per document

When this option is chosen each signee will be signing their own copy of the document. This means that if one document is sent to 50 signees, 50 documents will be created and each signee will be the only signee on each document. By default, if this is not chosen, all 50 signatures would be added to the same document.


Lock input fields

This option can be helpful when the PDF document has input fields that should not be altered after signing. If this is not chosen then a document with unlocked fields, may still be altered, even though it has been signed.


Automatic reminders

The default setting (on or off) for automatic reminders for the entire company, is set in Signature settings. The default setting may be overridden in the process settings by checking or unchecking this checkmark.

When automatic reminders are turned on the first reminder will be sent after one day, and subsequently, reminders will be sent every third day thereafter. The signee will be able to turn it off by clicking a link in any of the reminder emails.

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