SmartFlow status

SmartFlows can have three different statuses that affect their function and visibility:

  1. Draft
  2. Published
  3. Archived


When a SmartFlow is first created it starts out in the draft status. It can be edited at will while in this state and all alterations are immediately shown when a SmartFlow is sent for testing.

It can be initiated by sending to a signee or by using a URL by inserting the flowkey for the SmartFlow into the URL:[FLOWKEY]?iframe=false if the SmartFlow does not include Setup Information.


A SmartFlow in draft status is visible to all users but only users that have either the admin role or the SmartFlows role can edit the draft and publish or archive the SmartFlow.



A SmartFlow that has been published can be edited. All edits made after it was last published will be saved in the SmartFlow Designer but they will not go live until the changes are published by clicking the "publish" button in the top right corner in the flow. Published changes will not affect SmartFlows that have already been sent out, but will affect SmartFlows that will be sent out after changes have been published.

A SmartFlow can be initiated be sending it to a signee or by the signee if the SmartFlow has been published to a website or app.

A published SmartFlow is visible to all users in the company no matter their role but only users that have either the admin role or the SmartFlows role can edit the SmartFlow.

A SmartFlow in published status can be archived but can not be demoted to draft.



A SmartFlow that has been archived can be edited. All edits made after it was archived will be saved in the SmartFlow Designer but they will not go live until the changes are published by clicking the "publish" button in the top right corner in the flow. 

An archived SmartFlow can not be initiated be sending it to a signee but it can be tested by using a URL by inserting the flowkey for the SmartFlow into the URL:[FLOWKEY]?iframe=false


Archived SmartFlows are only visible to users in the company that have either an admin role or a SmartFlows role.

An archived SmartFlow can be reinstated by publishing it.


Next: Duplicating a SmartFlow ➜


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