Conditional logic in document

Conditional logic in the document lets you choose the visibility of the selected text based on conditional logic. 

This article will cover

  1. Configuring conditional logic in document based on existing logic
  2. Configuring conditional logic in document by creating new logic
  3. How the conditional logic is displayed in the document editor
  4. Editing conditional logic

To set this up, choose the text you want to show or hide based on conditional rules.

Click the conditional logic icon in the toolbar.

From here you can choose to

  1. use any existing conditional logic that has already been created, either in the document or in forms, or
  2. create new conditional logic rules.

Choosing existing conditional logic

If you choose to use existing conditional logic, all logics that have been set up will be shown in this window. They will be seperated into two groups, 1) Form logic, named after the form that it is connected to, and 2) Custom logic, which was named by you while creating the logic.

You can also click + Create new, to create new logic.

Choose the logic you want and click save.


Create new conditional logic

Start by choosing a title for your conditional logic. Try and make the title descriptive so you know what it does.

Next choose if the logic should show or hide the text, when true

Start creating the conditional rules by clicking + Add condition.

Choose the question from your list of forms.

Select a rule (is equal to, is any of, etc.)

Select or enter the value that should be compared to the answer given on the form.

When more than one rule has been set you’ll need to decide if the condition is considered as met when All or Any of the rules are true. 

You can click the “+Add condition” button to set more rules.

If you need to combine “All” and “Any” in a single set of conditions, you’ll need to create one or more conditional groups by clicking the “+ Add conditional group”.

When you are happy with your conditional logic, click save

How the conditional logic appears in the document

The document will now show a block around the text you had selected for conditional logic.

Hovering over the conditional logic icon will display the name of the conditional logic that applies to the block.

Editing conditional logic

If you want to edit the text in the block, simply click on the text and start writing.


If you want to remove the conditional logic but keep the text, you can click the three dots on the block and choose "Remove condition".

If you want to remove the block, including the text, choose "Delete block"

If you want to change the logic that determines if this block is shown in the document, click "Edit condition".

You will then get to choose a new conditional logic or create a new one. 

To see what the conditional logic rules behind each logic is, click "View details"

Next: Supported element types in conditional logic

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